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The Most Honest Advice About Getting Rich (an eye opening speech)

 In fact, only 1% or less achieve financial freedom That means 99% of people are living in illusion If you ask me what they will do if they give them 10 million How they will use it in life I promise that 2~8 million will be spent immediately Motivation is not an antidote, it is a disease I think the first step is to analyze your own shame, guilt and the reason why you are unworthy Because a lot of people will fight against themselves Whenever the goal you set is not in line with your highest values, you will give up and cannot achieve it It turned out to be self-struck and started wondering what happened to me First, you want to find out what you have accomplished in life and how it benefits you and others, and then eliminate shame and guilt Then you want to sit down and ask yourself what to do because you cannot get rich unless you serve others If you are not dedicated to serving people, you are just fantasizing about "wealth" You have to make sure you have the value to serve the crowd, you have to value wealth Because if you don’t value wealth, you will spend it If you care about spending more than saving, investing it will slowly leave you Because money always flows from those who value it least to those who value it most So you must pay more attention to building wealth than spending! You must value serving others more than asking for it! You must commit to things that truly match your values ​​or you won't last! Otherwise you won’t build momentum and perseverance to accomplish your goals Those who save automatically and keep learning and research because they value building wealth Warren Buffett had read all the books on building wealth in the Nebraska Library when he was about 11.

He is committed to results; those who are committed to building wealth learn, research, be mentored, and apply They have savings and investment structures They continue to try to serve people and manage long-term business relationships The fact is that everyone has their own priorities and values, the most important to least important things in life They become the strongest and most efficient people whenever the goals they set are in line with the highest value.

And this is their most grateful, flexible, self-spurring and fulfilling life Whenever they live in lower values, try to inject others' values ​​or minimize their own values, and live in lower value systems They procrastinate, hesitate, frustrate and then they become victims of their own lives, unable to make decisions for their lives You refer to how other people enrich their lives You refer to how they spend their time Where do you refer to their motivation and focus? Where do you refer to them is the most organized You refer to where they spend the most money, what do you refer to is what brings them the most energy You refer to what they think, what they pay attention to, what they affirm and what they talk about most That is in line with what they are doing in life refer to how others are motivated, what their goals are and what they like to learn If you simply refer to other people’s practices, it will limit what you would have given and you can’t wait to do it every morning.

When anyone sets goals and plans in line with their highest values They are most likely to motivate themselves and get up early in the morning to execute So if you pay attention to those industrialists who are doing business, find out what is most meaningful to them As Buffett described, they find the energy of "work tap dancing" In addition, an industrialist must also find the highest value of their target market Ensure that the services they provide meet the specific needs of the customer group So determine your own values ​​and determine the values ​​of the people you want to serve Is an indispensable element, because you have to find something that can serve people and is meaningful to yourself If you find both, you get your niche market! Now you find something you are willing to get up early in the morning to execute And it’s what others want, your life will become fulfilled Because everyone has their own priorities and values Whenever they live in line with their highest values What the ancient Greeks called "TELOS", which is the top priority in life Napoleon Hill’s "primary" or Edd Helson’s "majestic obsession", or "big question The highest value is the most meaningful to them and can do the most purposeful thing, that is the purpose! When you execute, you have the highest flexibility and best adapt to pain and stress When you do things with lower values, those are less inspired and fulfill those things You will delay doing those things The reason is that you are not very happy to do those things, you will give up!

So the key is that anything you do is the highest priority and most meaningful to you, so you will not give up! You have flexibility and embrace the pain and joy of pursuing great goals If you are not living in the highest values ​​you are willing to do and you want to give up because of pain, you will have to be motivated all the time This is different from incentives in that Those who are motivated live in the highest values And those who have not found the highest values ​​and must live in lower values ​​through motivation Must continue through motivation, but in fact, only willingness can continue Our animal instincts need motivation, but our true nature, our nature as humans Those parts of the brain responsible for execution The part that allows you to execute and become a leader Beyond pain-the instinctive amygdala response of lower animals to stress Allows us to function beyond the function of low self Enable us to embrace pain and joy, face challenges, and ease difficulties Any opposition you face adjusts to you like this If you expect to float between two buildings, that is an unrealistic expectation! Or if you expect to do things that don't really conform to the high values ​​in your heart, you will tend to give up! Or expect others to do things that don’t conform to the laws of the universe Or expect them to live outside their own values Because among the interests, anyone will make a decision based on whether he has the best interests That is, the greatest benefit relative to risk among their highest values So when you expect to do something that doesn’t make sense to you It sounds like a real idea at first, but it’s not the real you You will end in self-attack, end in the so-called negative effects of ABCD A: Inner anger and impulse / B: Guilt and betrayed C: Inner attack and challenge D: Internal depression and depression These are the negative effects of ABCD in your mind.

Some people call it "negative self-talk" and "negative self-behavior.

" It is actually a feedback mechanism that ensures that we set actual expectations in line with our true values And we know it is real if we can see it inside We see the strategy, we know the execution steps, it is achievable! That's the key! When you have realistic expectations, you will continue to strive to show results The wisest thing to do is to start with simple goals and train yourself to fulfill what you promised If you train yourself to fulfill your promise Your piggy bank will turn into a big account, your little moves will make big dreams happen In addition, if you live in line with your highest values, you are most likely to achieve success, and you will not give up your goals. If the goals you set are consistent, meaningful to you and you reduce them to small enough chews You will continue to execute them and get feedback by completing the steps immediately You will finally be able to show the results because you are getting better So I always suggest that if you divide the big plan into small pieces and chew in a certain period or view You will achieve it! You will be able to sustain it for a long time If you persevere towards the goal take every day as towards your goal Others will eventually be defeated and you are at the top As long as you hold on Procrastination is the result of three main reasons: 1.

Unclear illusion 2. Unchewed illusion: that is, you did not turn it into a small piece of chewing, but it was too big to be completed 3. It doesn't match your highest values If you are sure that the goal you adopt is to follow the laws of the universe, then it is practicable You make sure it is connected to your highest values And you know that you can find the reasons why you can do it and how it can help you achieve the task smoothly Because it is smooth, it can be consistent Then basically you make sure to block it into small execution steps until you prove that you can perform micro-management through micro-management That means you perform every day like a baby If I do this, I will be one step closer. Divide it into small steps and gradually break it down If you do this, you won’t delay Procrastination means you didn’t chew it, didn’t connect it, and didn’t clarify I think people think that they want to stay positive is just an illusion! It’s like a magnet has two sides, you also have two sides, the more you set your fantasy on one side When the facts do not match the fantasy, the more disappointed you are I am a pragmatic person.

I set realistic goals and achieve them in a balanced, realistic time. Instead of incurring nightmares by setting unrealistic fantasy The principle behind the Law of Attraction is not an abstract philosophy. It is actually something I want to pursue. If you are a woman taking care of three beautiful children, then you walk into the mall The things you will notice are about children You will not notice about commercial products But if you are an industrialist, after walking into the mall you will notice something about business You don't pay attention to things about children That means whatever is most important to you, whatever is your highest value No matter what is your actual goal and inspiration You will filter out your reality, you will see opportunities in it, and you will make faster choices Because you have this awareness, you will be more attached to those things in those areas Then you will notice more of those things at the same time So many secrets actually happen automatically when those things are in line with your highest values So set a consistent goal appropriately, then chew into small pieces, follow the measures and order to do it With amazing synchronization, vision, and affirmation, things become consistent The last consistency created their reality So I believe that it is not so much metaphysics as it is a theory of value based on the human value system

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